that PEE needs to be used to prevent electric shock and accidents
Visual Aid 3.4.28: PEE
Wear Personal Protective
Shoes with rubberised soles
Hard hat
Safety glasses to avoid eye
Special gloves and clothing in
high risk areas to avoid direct contact
Keep PEE in a safe and reliable
Avoid using defect Electrical PPE
discuss with trainees how to respond to an electrical accident. Clearly
highlight the dangers of such a situation.
Visual Aid 3.4.29: Respond to
emergency situation
First Aid
and respond to emergency situation
Do not panic-
remain calm
possible, disconnect electrical supply (switch?)
take precautions to protect others
If person had accident
situation – do not touch effected person
the person from electrical source.
supervisor about the incident
the first aid principles if you know
seek medical support
In case of fire:
activate the fire alarm system if installed
do not use water extinguisher
if you know how to use a CO2 or dry
chemical fire extinguisher: use it
· alert everyone
in the area to evacuate
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