Monday, March 13, 2017

Take case of Electrical Hazards

Visual Aid  3.4.26: Take case of Electrical Hazards            
Recognise Electrical Hazards and take required steps
1.     Cords & Equipment: inspect each time they are used
2.     Electrical Panels: keep clear of any obstructions at all times
3.     Trip Hazards – in case of temporary use across the floor, protect co-workers by covering the cord appropriately
4.     Exposed Wiring - assume all exposed wiring is energized until proven otherwise
5.    Power Strips - avoid multi-outlet strips plugging into each other

Visual Aid  3.4.27: Dos and don’ts

Dos and don’ts when using electrical equipment
·       Don’t wear metal objects
·       Turn power off
·       Don’t touch live parts!
·       Wear clothing/PPE
·       Avoid overloading circuits
·       Avoid overhead power lines
·       Avoid working in wet conditions
·       Use qualified people to repair electrical equipment
·       Clean and dry leads and plugs before use

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