Monday, March 13, 2017

Visual Aid 3.7.1: Why do people migrate?

Discuss various forms of migration within Bangladesh and abroad and their advantages and disadvantages  20 Min           

Discuss with trainees reasons for migration. Ask them who in their family and friend circles migrated and why

  Visual Aid  3.7.1: Why do people migrate?
Why do people migrate?
·       Better job opportunities in cities / abroad
·       Higher income
·       Better jobs
·       More interesting life
·       Since there is no work where I live
·       People lost whatever they had in the village
·       To pay back loans
·       People do not feel safe in the country
·       Destination countries need workers


Discuss how people migrate and the risks
  Visual Aid  3.7.2: How do people migrate?

Legal Migration
Illegal migration
·        Goes through Government 
·        Registered
·        Takes help from NGOs, Private Employment Agencies
·        Is clear and transparent
·        People are registered in destination country
·        Can avail protection from labour attaché
·        Have information about contract
·        Can open bank account for remittances
·        Through friends, contacts, unknown people 
·        Enters a country illegally: dangerous
·        Expensive
·        Can be forced
·        No protection

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