Visual Aid 3.4.32: Other
Workplace related Workplace Hazards
Other Workplace Hazards
Excessive Temperature: hot or cold. If risk, requires
Unsafe ventilation systems: Workplace should be free
from vapour/fumes. Else use PPE
High noise levels: above permissible limits use PPE
Insufficient lighting must be addressed to avoid
accidents and occupational injuries.
Insufficient workspace: lack of options to move
Poor housekeeping, maintenance of premises: Workplace should be maintained in a proper
and clean state.
Visual Aid 3.4.33: Injuries caused
by Workplace Hazards
Consequences of Workplace Hazards
Poor eyesight, headache, burning
Hearing problems, loss, Tinnitus
Musculoskeletal disorder
Muscular, joint pain, swelling
Numbness, restricted motion
Repetitive stress and motion
Psychosomatic symptoms and
In extreme cases: Incapability to work
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