Monday, March 13, 2017

Home Assignment

Visual Aid 3.4.8: Home Assignment
Area of potential risk
How it could possibly harm the person/s
What one can do about it?
Personal Safety

Machine Safety

Chemical Safety

Fire & Electrical Safety



Sensitise about Personal Protective Equipment   30 Min
Briefly refresh the earlier session and ask trainees to present their findings of their home assignment. Re-use Visual Aid 3.4.7. Introduce the session and highlight why it is important to know about PPE, and when it is essential to use PPE to ensure safety in the workplace. Ask trainees whether they know any kind of protective equipment. Ask them to list them and group them into the 5 categories mentioned in the Visual Aid.
Highlight that each occupation requires specific equipment as specified by the law.
Visual Aid 3.4.9: PPE
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Protect the wearer's body from injury or infection.
·        Head
·        Eyes
·        Respiratory
·        Ears
·        Body
Note: Each Occupation requires PPE

Looking at various pictures, discuss head protection equipment with the trainees, which reduces risks of injury. Use some occupations to highlight need for head protection. Use the cards with pictures of PPE and discuss use and reasons.

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