Visual Aid 3.4.3: Hazards and Risks
Forms of hazards
and potential risks of injury
Obvious hazards: unguarded
moving parts of machinery, dangerous fumes, electricity, working at heights,
moving heavy loads etc.
Less obvious
hazards, causing many accidents include untidy workplace and poor
Some common hazards and risks include:
- Manual handling (heavy, awkward or hard
to reach loads)
- Falling from height (from scaffolding)
- Material falling from above
- New machinery
- Fire (from flammable or combustible
materials, hey, waste material)
- Electricity (poor wiring or no protection
by residual current devices)
- Maintenance of equipment and workplace
(roof, windows or gutters)
- Hot substances or surfaces
- Hand tools (noise, eye injury,
- Poor housekeeping and poorly maintained
- Suffocation by drowning or from exposure
to carbon monoxide
- Pressure system (steam boilers)
Note: Hazards need
to be identified and cannot be generalised for all sorts of occupational
Employees’ safety and
health is important and cannot be neglected. Occupational risks and hazards
need to be minimised and controlled so that employees feel safe, remain healthy
and productive.
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