Monday, March 13, 2017

Safety at work, management workplace space and materials

Information Sheet for Trainer, Module 3.5: Safety at work, management workplace space and materials

Work plays a central role in people's lives, since most workers spend at least eight hours a day in the workplace, hence work environments should be safe. Unfortunately, some employers assume little responsibility for the protection of workers' safety. In fact, some employers do not even know that they have the moral and often legal responsibility to protect workers. As a result of the hazards and a lack of attention given to safety, work-related accidents occurs frequently. The Bangladesh’s Labour Act (2006) clearly spells out rules and regulations that factories be clean and well-ventilated. Effective measures must prevent the accumulation of dust and fumes that are “likely to be injurious or offensive to workers.” Factory inspectors have the power to compel employers to improve buildings or machinery that could be dangerous to human life or safety. Dangerous machinery must be fenced and employers must ensure and maintain automatic off-switches. This session provides an overview about workplace safety to trainees.

Occupational Hazards and potential risks


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